LiteSpeed Web Server
LiteSpeed Web Server Information
LiteSpeed Web Server has been designed to understand Apache configuration files, mod_security rules and mod_rewrite rules, supporting .htaccess natively and in a much more efficient way.
With LiteSpeed Web Server you will get the best results, the highest security and your web pages will load up to 1000% faster compared to nginx and Apache.

To demonstrate the speed that LiteSpeed Web Server offers, we put LiteSpeed VS nginx and Apache to the test in the task of loading a WordPress. LiteSpeed beat nginx by 12 points and Apache by a whopping 84 points.

To demonstrate the speed offered by LiteSpeed Web Server, we put our LSCache extension to the test on a PrestaShop demo site, against Apache and nginx with Smarty Cache. LiteSpeed beat nginx and Apache.

To demonstrate the speed offered by LiteSpeed Web Server, we tested LiteSpeed VS nginx and Apache on the task of loading PHP scripts. LiteSpeed beat nginx by 1.3 points and Apache by 4.5 points.

To demonstrate the speed offered by LiteSpeed Web Server, we tested LiteSpeed VS nginx and Apache in loading small static files. LiteSpeed beat nginx by 6 points and Apache by 29 points.