In today’s entry of our blog we are pleased to announce the official launch of our new VPS servers to our range of services.

VPS with cloud technology

Our VPS servers are built on Cloud technology to offer greater power, flexibility and control.

The VPS servers work under second generation AMD EPYC and Intel® Xeon® Gold equivalent processors, equipped with NVMe hard disks, DDoS protection included and with a 10Gbit redundant network connection.

VPS servers

Our VPS servers are configured in 8 different proposals, which we leave you with below:

TestingCloud (1 vCPU)220GB20TB4€InstantBUY
NuevoMiniCloud (2 vCPU)240GB20TB6.35€InstantBUY
SmallCloud (3 vCPU)480GB20TB12.55€InstantBUY
MediumCloud (4 vCPU)8160GB20TB22.50€InstantBUY
LargeCloud (8 vCPU)16240GB20TB41.60€InstantBUY
Extra LargeCloud (16 vCPU)32360GB20TB90,60€InstantBUY
ProfessionalCloud (16 vCPU)64360GB20TB253,95€InstantBUY
ProfessionalCloud + (32 vCPU)128600GB20TB489,90€InstantBUY

NOTE: The availability (delivery) of our VPS servers is instantaneous.
NOTE 2: You can upgrade to a higher VPS servers if the power of your server becomes insufficient.
NOTE 3: As of 09/14/2020, the VPS servers “ProfessionalCloud and ProfessionalCloud+” are sold out.

Complements your VPS server

To complete our offer, we offer the following addons for VPS servers:

  • VPS Space: Increase your VPS server disk space to 10TB with our fast and reliable SSD volumes for only 0.20€ GB/month.
  • Floating IPs: Assign floating (dedicated) IPs for your VPS server for 4€ IP/month
  • Traffic: If you exceed the assigned bandwidth, the additional traffic costs only 2€ TB/month.
  • Backups: Automatically performs backups and stores up to 7 backups for only 20% of the price of the VPS server purchased.
  • Snapshots: With our Snapshots feature, you can manually back up your VPS server for as little as 0.10€ GB/month.

For more information, go to the VPS servers section.