Note: Guide updated on October 23, 2021.
cPanel is a Linux-based control panel for managing hosting accounts that provides management tools in one place.
As we have indicated, cPanel allows you to manage a hosting account in many different ways. You can manage your files, create new FTP users, manage your email, modify your DNS, monitor the resources associated with your hosting…
The number of functions to be managed is overwhelming at the first contact and you may accidentally change some important settings. cPanel is an easy to use control panel with a quick and easy learning curve.
Below we detail all modules and functions of the AtresHost cPanel included in all Hosting and Reseller plans.
The FILES module allows you to manage files directly from cPanel without the need to use an FTP client. You can also modify and manage your images, specify privacy levels, make backups and more functions.
- File Manager
- Images
- Directoy Privacy
- Disk Usage
- Web Disk
- FTP Accounts
- Backup
- Backup Wizard
- CpCleaner
- Git™ Version Control
- JetBackup 5

Billing & Support MODULE:
The BILLING & SUPPORT module allows you to manage different parameters of your account: profiles, payments, update/degress your hosting plan, register a new domain or transfer an existing one, create support tickets and access them, check the status of the server, see news and news from AtresHost, check your invoices…
- Manage Profile
- Manage Billing Information
- View Email History
- News & Announcements
- Download Resources
- Search our Knowledgebase
- Check Network Status
- View Billing Information
- View Invoice History
- View Support Tickets
- Open Ticket
- Upgrade/Downgrade
- Register New Domain
- Transfer a Domain

Databases MODULE:
The DATABASES module is vital for managing your databases and essential if you use a CMS to manage your website.
- phpMyAdmin
- MySQL Databases
- MySQL Database Wizard
- Remote MySQL
- PostgreSQL Databases
- PostgreSQL Database Wizard
- phpPgAdmin

Seo and Marketing Tools MODULE:
The SEO AND MARKETING TOOLS module is an optional use module to manage utilities such as Seo, marketing and so on. Some of its functions are paid.
- Get in Google
- SEO Tools
- Increase Website Traffic
- Link Bulding
- SEO for Resellers & Webmasters
- SEO Optimized WordPress Themes
- WordPress Social Media Optimization
- Drag & Dop Visual Page Builder
- Free Shopping Cart
- Free Email Marketing Tools
- Hire a Web Designer

Domains MODULE:
In the DOMAINS module you can manage your domains, subdomains, DNS and redirections among other options.
- WordPress Toolkit
- Site Publisher
- Domains
- Addon Domains
- Subdomains
- Aliases
- Redirects
- Zone Editor
- Dynamic DNS

The EMAIL module is where you manage and administer your email accounts, forwarders, filters, contacts…
- Email Accounts
- MagicSpam Protection
- Forwaders
- Email Routing
- Autoresponders
- Default Address
- Mailing Lists
- Track Delivery
- Global Email Filters
- Email Filters
- Email Deliverality
- Address Importer
- Spam Filters
- Email Marketing
- Encryption
- BoxTrapper
- Calendars and Contacts
- Email Disk Usage
- Remote MX Wizard

Metrics MODULE:
The METRIC module includes different tools to measure the performance of your website, giving you information on visitor statistics among other functions.
- Visitors
- Errors
- Bandwidth
- Raw Access
- Awstats
- Analog Stats
- Webalizer
- Webalizer FTP
- Metrics Editor
- Google Rankings
- G-Safe Browsing

Security MODULE:
In the SECURITY module you have essential functions for monitoring the security of your website and the management of your SSL/TSL certificates.
- SSH access
- IP Blocker
- Manage API Tokens
- Hotlink Protection
- Leech Protection
- SSL/TLS Wizard
- SSL/TLS Status
- Two-Factor Authentication
- Lets encrypt SSL
- ModSecurity
- cPGuard
- ImunifyAV

Software MODULE:
In the SOFTWARE module you will find functions of a more advanced range. If you do not have enough knowledge, avoid modifying the default settings of the functions PHP PEAR Packages, Perl Modules, Select PHP Version, Python, Node.js, SitePad…
- SitePad Website Builder
- WordPress Manager by Themely
- WordPress Manager by Softaculous
- PHP PEAR Packages
- Perl Modules
- Site Software
- Optimize Website
- Application Manager
- Free Shopping Cart
- WHMSonic Shoutcast Admin Pro (For customers with radio/reseller radio)
- WordPress Themes
- Softaculous Apps Instaler
- Setup Node.js App
- Select PHP Version
- Setup Python App
- Setup Ruby App
- PHP X-Ray

Advanced MODULE:
En el módulo AVANZADA al igual que en el módulo SOFTWARE, dispones de funciones para usuarios más avanzados. Si no tienes los conocimientos necesarios para realizar operaciones, ponte en contacto con el soporte para ayudarte.
- LiteSpeed Web Cache
- Terminal
- WebHost Manager (For reseller customers)
- CRON Jobs
- Track DNS
- Indexes
- Error Pages
- Apache Handlers
- MIME Type
- Virus Scanner

Preferences MODULE:
The PREFERENCES module is where you can customize the design of your cPanel installation.
- Pssword & Security
- Change Language
- Change Style
- Contact Information
- User Manager

SitePad Website Builder – Themes MODULE:
Numerous templates are included in the SitePad Website Builder – Themes module so that you can create your website with just a few clicks.

Softaculous Apps Instaler MODULE:
The SOFTACULOUS APPS INSTALER module includes more than 500 pre-installed APPS available for one-click installation.

Applications MODULE:
In the APPLICATIONS module you will find the WordPress Manager function, which will allow you to install and manage your WordPress.

These are all the modules and functions available in the AtresHost cPanel.